Why every company needs a new type of operating system enhanced with artificial intelligence

Even though some companies may seem well positioned, the fundamental economic and business environment is rapidly changing. To the best of my awareness, survival from this point forward will essentially require a strong AI OS for the super majority of organizations. Read More

An open letter to Fortune 500 CEOs on AI systems from Kyield’s founder

I wanted to share a general pattern that is negatively impacting organizations in part due to the compounding effect it has on the broader economy. Essentially this can be reduced to misapplying the company’s playbook in dealing with advanced technology (AI systems). Read More

Independence Day lessons on adaptability and survival from the Ancestral Puebloans

The photo above represents a learning opportunity especially relating to survival and adaptation. Recently completed by my wife Betsy[i], the artwork was inspired by our visit to the Acoma Pueblo a few months ago, which is one of the oldest continuously inhabited communities in North America. Ancestors of current residents have lived on top of a 360-foot tall rock tower since 1150 A.D.
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New paper: Optimizing Knowledge Yield in the Digital Workplace

I am please to share a new paper that may be of interest:

–Optimizing Knowledge Yield in the Digital Workplace–
A new system design for thriving in the data-intensive universe–

From the abstract:–

The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, it briefly describes how the digital
workplace evolved in an incremental manner. Second, it discusses related structural
technical and economic challenges for individuals and organizations in the digital
workplace. Lastly, it summarizes how Kyield’s novel approach can serve to provide
exponential performance improvement.–
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From the trenches: on tech analysts and software patents

On analyzing technology and software patents…..One of the most destructive messages our culture broadcasts is that anything that cannot be reduced to 140 characters shouldn’t move forward. If that were true, most important technology companies wouldn’t exist……. Many large software companies, software developers, venture capitalists, and academics have publicly denounced intellectual property rights for software and processes. While each of the common arguments have valid points, and I do believe we need foundational reform in IP, part of which is reflected in Kyield, I see a much higher probability of technical innovation providing solutions to these challenges than our current political system. Read More

Maya in the global parcel delivery business

A few months ago we decided to produce a series of papers in story telling format to better communicate the value of our Kyield system for decision makers in large organizations, rather than the normal highly technical use cases written and consumed primarily within the scientific community: ‘Semantic Scenarios for the Intelligent Enterprise’. I just posted… Read More

Alternatives to the CKO, continued….

There is so much history surrounding this issue (CKO) that I would write a book about it if I had time. After years of running a management consulting firm, which we then converted to a knowledge systems lab and incubator, I found myself working increasingly as a citizen volunteer attempting to convince the U.S. Government to adopt advanced knowledge systems. The conversation began in the mid-1990s and then reached decision levels when so many of the world’s leading thinkers and analysts joined our online learning network for thought leaders, which among dozens of other topics offered a high quality global news filter, complete with intel briefs, and discussion list on KM. Read More